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About Pro Green, Inc

Pro Green, Inc is located on the Catawba river in Morganton, NC and consists of approximately 140 acres. 

Pro Green has roots that date back to the mid 1980's. At that time, the golf course construction industry began to bloom and so did the need for high quality Bentgrass sod. It wasn't until the mid 1990's, that Pro Green, Inc became an official family-owned corporation. At conception, our sole purpose was to provide the highest quality putting surfaces for golf courses throughout the southeast United States. While that still remains true today, Pro Green, has also expanded into additional sectors of the green industry. The corporation now consists of three divisions: a turfgrass division, container tree division, and a chemical sales division. 


Our turfgrass division grows Bentgrass, Turf-Type Tall Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, and Meyer Zoysia sod. Our container tree division consists of trees, shrubs, and ornamentals grown in easy to carry bags as well as traditional plastic containers. Our chemical sales division concentrates on fungicide, herbicide, fertilizers and specialty products for the nursery industry. 


Recently, Pro Green, has added some familiar faces to the family business. Since 1995, Pro Green, has been owned and operated by the Clark brothers, John & Barry Clark. Two of John's sons, Hunter & Noah Clark, have purchased Barry's share of the business and land. Hunter & Noah have both grown up on the farm and have extensive knowledge of day to day operations. 


Family roots are strong here at Pro Green. We will continue to provide the highest quality turfgrass sod and plant material for years to come. If you are ever out in Western NC, give us a call and stop by to see our operation grow!


Thank you and God Bless.


John, Hunter, & Noah Clark



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